Affordable Housing Options
- Help low-income residents stay in their homes and not become unhoused
- Support legacy residents and young people’s efforts to purchase a home
- Encourage inclusionary zoning
- Set aside 20% of units for affordable housing in multi-unit developments
- Protect tenants and prevent rent-gouging, making it easier for Monrovians to stay in their homes
- Build new multi-unit housing equitably across the city, instead of clustering it in one area
- Create a program to incentivize new accessory dwelling units—either targeted for low-income tenants or toward low-income homeowners
Public Safety
- Everyone in Monrovia deserves to feel safe – we must consider the impact of public safety as we design and implement programs, legislation, and budgets
- Ensure there is a strong, positive relationship between the police and community – if the relationship is strong, then the community thrives
Monrovia's Natural Environment
- We need a healthy environment throughout our city, including shade and trees in south Monrovia
- Reinstate the Monrovia Environmental Accord — 21 action items focused on energy, waste reduction, transportation, environmental health, and water
- To establish a Green Team comprised of Monrovia citizens who are committed to our natural environment
Youth Development
- More options for young people to learn about careers and trades including supporting internships along with job and vocational training
- Additional support for community organizations that engage young people
- Advocate for funding to be allocated for youth and young adult mental health services and summer enrichment programs.
Local Businesses
- Attract, retain and support small businesses
- Encourage job-creating opportunities
- Support Merchant Associations and Business Improvement Districts
Socio-Emotional Stability
- Refining and improving city policies and procedures for addressing the needs of our unhoused and most vulnerable Monrovians.
- Secure Measure K funding to employ a full-time psychiatrist and social worker to do ride-alongs with our Police and Fire departments.
Fiscal Stewardship
- City funds need to be spent prudently and effectively
- Oversight and public information is essential so that the taxpayers have confidence in how their money is being used